Episode 20
Adventures in Teaching ESL From Peru
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Joe Milne has taught over 70,000 Asian students as an online ESL teacher. He's from England but has been now living in Peru for 7 years. In addition to teaching, he focuses on content creation and teacher training. Joe enjoys video editing and uses his YouTube channel to share general and advanced ESL teaching tips as well as updates and tips related to one company he's been working with for the last 5 years. He'll do editing for others on occasion as well.
Joe shares how he transitioned from working in a call center job in Lima to working from his apartment and some of the challenges he has with sourcing his tech equipment in a part of the world that has the Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River but not so much Amazon Prime. April has also been to Peru in the past, so they chat about some experiences traveling and dining in Peru.
Joe and April talk about some of the ups and downs of teaching online during the pandemic. For anyone interested in using their English skills to teach ESL, Joe was invited to help create a training course for ESL teachers through the International Open Academy and feels that project went quite well and recommends it as a good starting point for people who are interested in teaching online. They also discuss how it's helpful to have more than one stream of income these days as there are seasonal changes in demand for ESL teachers as well as changing requirements for eligibility.
Joe can be found on his YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/JoeMilneEnglish
Joe was one of the contributors for a course called Make Money Teaching English Online: https://www.offers.internationalopenacademy.com/itutorjoe/course/teaching-english-online
Joe does some video editing on the side. If interested, he can be reached by email: itutorjoe@gmail.com