Episode 35
A Digital Nomad at Heart,
with Ali Greene
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Ali Greene comes to us today from Javea, Spain. She is originally from the USA but started working remotely in 2014 and started her digital nomad life soon thereafter, traveling around the world for several years before enduring the 2020 lockdowns in France and then more recently settling down in Spain as her new home base. Although she is no longer traveling from country to country as regularly as she had been, she has been part of remote teams, including managing a team of 5. She was previously head of culture at a company called Oyster that specialized in helping remote workers and managers navigate through the waters of things such as taxes for digital nomads.
Ali is currently working full time with her co-author on their upcoming book Remote Works Book. She has been recognized as an expert on working remotely and is accustomed to speaking with management-level people about ways that they can make a work-from-home culture more attractive and sustainable for a team. She also has advice for people who would like to advocate for themselves when they would prefer to remain in a home office when others are beginning to return to their workplace. In our interview, Ali chats a bit about the digital nomad lifestyle and how she has personally handled things such as ergonomics and navigating a new city when she doesn't know the language. She is still traveling a few weeks here and there for her work, including some upcoming workshops for digital nomads with children.
If you'd like to find Ali, you can find her in the following places:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greeneali/
Ali's website: https://www.cohana.io/
Remote Works Book, with co-author, Tamara Sanderson: https://www.remoteworksbook.com/