Episode 50
The Downside of Working From Home,
with Jill Devine
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Jill Devine is a St. Louis native, an entrepreneur, wife, and mother of two little ones. Jill has spent the majority of her adult life as an on-air radio personality and spent over 20 years at numerous radio stations in the St. Louis area. However, in December of 2019, her situation changed, and she found herself unexpectedly working from a home office just on her podcast. As she transitioned to a different lifestyle, Jill embraced skipping the commute into the city and loved the comfy clothes, and found herself equipped with three months’ experience working from home before the rest of the world went on lockdown. This helped her support her friends and family who were forced to work from home because of the pandemic, and she and her husband made the most of the 6 weeks of furlough he experienced at the beginning of the stay-at-home orders. However, the honeymoon phase only lasted about 6 months, and then she was ready for some change.
In this episode; Jill shares how she struggled at times with the adjustment in her identity as a working mother, especially when her husband returned to work and she was home alone with the children in addition to trying to start her new business. She was approached to take on a role with her church which grew into a bigger role, and she is now splitting her time between working on her podcast from her closet office and working onsite in her church where her children also attend preschool. Her podcast, Two Kids and A Career is an outlet where she and her guests can talk openly and without fear of being judged or shamed. The conversations are real, raw, emotional, and knowledgeable.
You can find Jill in the following places:
Website: www.jilldevine.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jilldevine/...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JillDevineMedia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JillDevineRadio